Sunday 18 December 2016

Put your best foot forward Today and everyday

Source: Pinterest
Hello There,

We are forever making impressions from the way you walk,talk,write,speak, dress etc we are making impressions.

These impressions could lead to vital connections and life changing encounters.

What can we do everyday to ensure we are prepared for these opportunities.

Well there are several ways of ensuring we put our best foot forward so we meet/embrace and are well prepared for opportunities that come our way.

How can we do this, well keep reading.

1) Wake up early and plan your day. Have a few minutes alone and be thankful/ grateful and plan your day.
2) Have a bath and make yourself presentable. Proper hygiene is key
3) Ensure you eat the good healthy food. Nourish your body from inside, so your body can perform optimally.
4) Sleep well .Treat your body with respect
5) Clear your mind of negativity and always  have positive vibes.Train yourself to think positive thoughts.
6) Have an ever inquisitive mind always learning and growing.
7) Appreciate beauty in every shade and form through your day.

I believe by doing these we can put our best forward everyday.

Have a lovely week ahead.



Saturday 8 October 2016

As Autumn sets in, It's time for a wardrobe change

Hello there,

It has a been a while. My apologies. I have had so much on my plate.Am glad to be back writing,

As Autumn sets in and its gets colder we have to change our clothes accordingly.

A pair of knee high boots always look fabulous. Wear with tights or a pair of form fitting jeans .

Also why don't you try a stole to revamp your winter coat and look chic.

Princess Mary of Denmark has used this trick so well to look fabulous and elegant in the photo.

A dainty pair of gloves will certainly finish off an outfit with style.

Many thanks see you soon.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Navigating Tea breaks at conferences/meetings in Nigeria with class

William Hanson Afternoon Tea
Most times when we attend meetings/conferences we would be offered a cup of tea/coffee or  would have a tea break ,knowing the proper way to navigate tea time is essential for the top flight executive.

Here the UK's top etiquette expert William Hanson takes us through how to navigate teatime with poise and class.

Read More

Saturday 14 May 2016

Up the Ante; add a classic red lipstick to your repertoire in looking good in Lagos

Red Lipsticks
Photo Credit :

I have always been fascinated with how a red lipstick just makes your face/ features pop and instantly gives you that  glam look and believe me nothing says classic like red lipstick.Maybe it is because red is such a dominant /vibrant colour often associated times with  positive energy,motivation and warmth. Red lipstick gives an instant confidence boost,but apart from red lipstick looking great on you their are added benefits to having red pout everyday.

Thursday 12 May 2016

keep it classy !!! 10 essentials things every lady must have in her handbag

Essentials for a Lady's handbag
Hi there,

We are talking about keeping it classy today and everyday.Every thing we do forms an impression in the mind of people we interact with everyday. As a lady you want to project confidence,class and competence in every situation. So our brilliant selves can shine though. Every morning as you head out of the door going about your daily hustle what are the essential things you need to have  in your handbag as a lady to ensure you are always on top of your game and able to present yourself well in all situations ? if you want to know please read on.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

Photo Credit :

Happy Valentines day everybody. Have a great celebration everyone.

 My lovely husband got me this beautiful bouquet of flowers. Fantastic man. He sure knows how to make me  feel special and on top of the moon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For me I just believe one should be grateful and show  love this day and everyday for everyone in your life spouses,parents,siblings,children  etc.

Have a great day and week ahead.



Bentonite Clay for Deep pore cleaning of the face

Bentonite Clay 
I was searching the internet for deep pore cleaning products when I came across a product that seemed to be the standard for deep pore cleaning masks. It is Bentonite clay. After reading raving reviews of its potency I decided to purchase a container of it on I also bought Apple cider vinegar Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar which is needed to mix the clay.

I mixed a table spoon of the clay with a table spoon of the vinegar in a plastic bowl  to form a paste.Please note you must only use a plastic bowl to mix and not a metallic container.

Apple Cider Vinegar
I then covered my face with the paste and let it stay for 30mins. You may feel your face vibrate/pulsate this is the clay removing impurities from the pores. After 30 mins the mask had set and was now hard. I then splashed water on my face to soften it and then cleaned everything off with a wet wash cloth and Voila !!!!!!!! my face was squeaky clean and my pores had shrunk. Your face might be a bit red after words but this will subside in like 30 mins.

Just wanted to say the mask is the bomb and my makeup went on my face like a dream.The mask is especially good for people with oily and acne prone skin.

Well that was my new find this week. Cheers and have a blessed week ahead,



I tried the Dr.Rashel Vitamin C & Niacinamide Essence Toner | Best Toner...

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