Sunday 14 February 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentines day everybody. Have a great celebration everyone.

 My lovely husband got me this beautiful bouquet of flowers. Fantastic man. He sure knows how to make me  feel special and on top of the moon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For me I just believe one should be grateful and show  love this day and everyday for everyone in your life spouses,parents,siblings,children  etc.

Have a great day and week ahead.



Bentonite Clay for Deep pore cleaning of the face

Bentonite Clay 
I was searching the internet for deep pore cleaning products when I came across a product that seemed to be the standard for deep pore cleaning masks. It is Bentonite clay. After reading raving reviews of its potency I decided to purchase a container of it on I also bought Apple cider vinegar Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar which is needed to mix the clay.

I mixed a table spoon of the clay with a table spoon of the vinegar in a plastic bowl  to form a paste.Please note you must only use a plastic bowl to mix and not a metallic container.

Apple Cider Vinegar
I then covered my face with the paste and let it stay for 30mins. You may feel your face vibrate/pulsate this is the clay removing impurities from the pores. After 30 mins the mask had set and was now hard. I then splashed water on my face to soften it and then cleaned everything off with a wet wash cloth and Voila !!!!!!!! my face was squeaky clean and my pores had shrunk. Your face might be a bit red after words but this will subside in like 30 mins.

Just wanted to say the mask is the bomb and my makeup went on my face like a dream.The mask is especially good for people with oily and acne prone skin.

Well that was my new find this week. Cheers and have a blessed week ahead,



Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I wish all my readers a happy and fruitful 2016. Whatever you do in 2016 make a commitment to do it with style, elegance and panache.

Wishing you all the best.




Tuesday 1 December 2015

Happy New Month - December is here !!!!!!!

Photo Credit: Kogaworld
I can't believe it. It is December already am very thankful and grateful for life, health and my family.

As we begin this last month of the year may your cup overflow with happiness,love and Joy.

What's new this month. I am learning french. I have started taking lessons already. I signed up to an open learning resource from the Carnegie Mellon University of New York and I am also using my daughter's french text book too. So let the learning begin. I hope to be fluent in both spoken and written french in the next 4 months.

So what new thing/skill are you learning ?

I would love to know.

Merci Beaucoup


Friday 27 November 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody

 Photo Credit-
Happy Thanks giving people.

We all have a lot to be grateful for. For life,Health, Joy, Peace and everything in between.

Thanks Lord for everything.



Sunday 25 October 2015

From Glasses to Contact lenses in Nigeria

My Pair of Spectacles
Over the summer while on holiday in the UK, I decided to try something new. Push my boundaries and move beyond my comfort zone.
I have been using spectacles since my days in university. I have had fantastic frames and when ordering a new pair just to add a little flare and daintiness I have  them tinted  pink and had anti-scratch .

My spectacles have indeed served me well. I am short-sighted to I need them to drive and pretty much need them also in the cinema to enjoy a film and just generally enjoy life. So my spectacles are a part and parcel of my life and help me be a  productive person through out the day.

The snag is I sometimes feel they can be burdensome. Like am going to a party and after applying my make-up meticulously and tying my Gele (Traditional headgear) then I would have to wear my glasses and then the glasses would leave prints on my face and  makeup.  I just needed something that when I had an event, social engagement or dinner I would not have to wear glasses, really just for occasional use

So I decided to try contact lenses. I booked an appointment with a high street optician to try out contact lenses. First I got had an eye exam thank God I had a clean bill of health. Then  I was shown the different types of contact lenses, because of the harsh weather conditions in Nigeria (the dust and everything in between) I decided I wanted  disposable Daily Contacts  to reduce the  risk of infection and I really did not want to deal with cleaning lenses and contact solution stuff.
Daily Disposables Silicone Hydrogel Clariti-1-Day

 I chose the top of the range daily contact lenses made from  Silicone Hydrogel  which allows more oxygen into the eyes. Quite pricey though but I felt if it was going to be in my eyes it had to be the best quality. A lovely attendant taught me how to insert and remove them. I was blown away I could not believe it I could see clearly without glasses. I was grateful and thankful all at once. Also the attendant informed me I had to build my tolerance level over the week as I was given samples to last for a week which was awesome.
Clariti-1-Day front View

I checked for Daily disposable Silicone hydrogel on Top contact lenses sellers Vision direct website  and bought  Clariti-1-day. They were even better than the one I tried on the high street as they are directly from Copper Vision and not store brand.

So fast forward am back in Nigeria and needed suppliers for my contact lenses I just bought them directly from Vision Direct   and they were shipped to my house in Lagos Nigeria within three days and I did not pay an arm and a leg for shipping cost. I even got a park of free sweets to.
Clariti-1-Day Back View

So now I rock my contact lenses like when I have meeting, big presentations and when I am off to church or a party. I wear them like three times a week for 8 hours a day. I still use my glasses in the evening and when I am at home relaxing so for me it is a combination of both Glasses and contact lenses for my eyes. 

Did I think in my wildest dreams I would ever go the contact lenses route ? No !  as I felt I was too set in my ways. But hey I think at least try something new even if you decide it is not a product for you at least it would be from an informed point of view and would not just be because of fear and timidity.
Hey so what new boundaries have you broken recently I would love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading. Cheers


PS Please note that you should always to you optician for expert advice and for eye health test when considering wearing contact lenses also I have not been given any contact lenses by Cooper vision to review. I just believe they have a fantastic product that suits my needs.

Sunday 18 October 2015

5 Hygiene tips for the Nigerian woman

Photo Credit :

1) Brush Twice daily
   It is very important to maintain good dental hygiene. Brush twice daily in the morning and in the
  evening. Bad breath is a no-no for a woman of class. Get a good tooth brush and use fluoride         toothpaste.
Photo Credit:

2) Bath Twice daily

Photo Credit:
Apart from bathing in the morning. It is very important to bath not just in the morning with our scotching hot sun you need to take  a bath in the evening to wash away all the sweat and debris of the day. Ensure you armpits are well shaved to prevent body odour this is very important.Also use an anti-antiperspirant to ensure you smell fresh all day. Remember soap and water are a girls best friend.

3. Always wear clean and well-ironed cloths.

Ensure you only wear your clothes are clean and well ironed this goes along way in making you more presentable. Also ensure your under garments are clean and fresh everyday.

4) Neat & Tidy hair

 Always ensure your hair is always well brushed and combed this gives a very put together look and inspires confidence in people as you go about your daily tasks. You come across and being very competent and trust worthy when you are well-groomed.


5) Keep nails clean

 Long dirty nails are a big no-no. Either keep your nails short and clean or medium length and well manicured.Do not bit your nails. It is a bad habit and shows a lack of confidence.

So that's it folks.

Catch you later.



I tried the Dr.Rashel Vitamin C & Niacinamide Essence Toner | Best Toner...

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